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Craig Williams

Along with the witches, the Rulers in the dark kingdom of this world are also composed of wizards. As with the witches, I have herd detailed testimo ey with several who served Satan as wizards, 1 sucg man Joshua Balogun, was a wizard for forty-eight years; he was also a red witch. He was saved at a crusade in Nigeria in 1989. Although some witches are males and some females, all wizards are males (N.O.W. and women’s lib has not gotten into the spirit world!). Their function is similar to witches, however. They travel in the night and often command hordes of demons. They use magic and charms for their power—many are also magicians. They are promoted and given more responsibility according to how many people they can kill and how well they do in carrying out their assignments against Christians people don't understand like when you go public that your fighting the devil like I do and many others such as key to the kingdom Reggie Sotto at RS Ministries here on FB it's no joke and it's not fun and games if your good at what you do the devil will attack you and try to kill you you better not have any open doors anyway... in looking for potential candidates for Rulers of Darkness, Satan looks for those already in authority over large numbers of people. He continually strives to win them over to his side by creating circumstances in their lives. He looks for those who are heads of political, social or religious organizations. If such a person cannot be corrupted, then Satan will bring about the promotion of one already in the Dark Kingdom. They want to be promoted. He will make a deal with them. Say, for example, I wanted to be President of the United States. I tell Satan I want to be President by the year 2024. He would say okay and draw up a contract. It would most likely read that I would have to bring him the souls of 5,000 humans by 2023. If I do not deliver, I do not get the promotion. If I do, then I would be President of the United States by 2024 There are many political, religious and social leaders throughout the world who are Rulers of Darkness. I know the names of many of them. My friends who used to work for Satan have made some interesting statements concerning politics. They say you cannot be a true Christian and be in politics. I must admit it is difficult. I don’t think I want to be President anyway. I will settle for the prestige, executive pay, and glory of being God's servant. In order to be promoted as a Ruler of Darkness, a person must bring the blood, heart or head of people whom that person has killed. I always laugh when Satanists or witches here in the west claim they are not involved in human sacrifice. How could this be when one of the primary duties of all humans in the Dark Kingdom is bringing human blood to Satan? Promotion in the Dark Kingdom at high levels always involves the shedding of human blood. That person, if they fulfill their contract, is then given authority as a Ruler over a specific physical geographical location on the earth. For example, a person fulfills his contract and brings the hearts of 500 people. He is promoted as the Ruler over the city of Madrid. Then later, as he continues to be faithful to Satan, he might ask to be promoted to Ruler over the Southern Kingdom of Satan. Another contract is drawn up and he must fulfill it by a certain date to be promoted. Lest I leave the impression that all the person has to do is kill people, let me add that there is more to it than that. They would be involved in all sorts of other immoral schemes of the devil. Their primary goal is to attack the Church. They will work with the Principalities and Powers to accomplish this goal. Much as a salesman over a territory has his sales manager come in to work with him, so a Ruler might ask a Power, Principality or even Satan himself to come into their territory and help accomplish a specific task. The Rulers in the Dark kingdom are also very active in the laboratories of Satan in advancing his sciences against man. Their primary objective in this research is to discover the secrets of creation which God has hidden from them there is evidence of this like the way They celebrated when the "God partical' was discovered... They are hard at work developing new diseases in biological laboratories with which they will attack man. They are also engaged in developing things with which to attack us spiritually and keep us from progressing spiritually and drawing close to God. These laboratories are located under the physical sea, but are spiritual and thus not detectable by physical means. The devil has scientists, both demonic and human Agents, working with the Rulers to develop inventions which will allow him to exert more control over humans. Satan has said that man “likes fancy and elegant things.” He said he will provide it so that man has no time for God. Through these material things, he will continue to control the world and make sure the Church is destroyed through sex, money and pleasure. I believe you can see from these facts why God said for us to not love the things of this world. If you don’t, Satan cannot attack you in this area through his Rulers of Darkness. Through their “creation science” they also wish to develop new native charms in order to cause further death and destruction. They are attempting to learn all the secrets of the world and creation to destroy man and to be like God. Like the witches, the wizards are able to change forms. They do this in order to facilitate their work. They often choose the form of a bird, cat, rat, snake or a cockroach. The form chosen will be as the situation dictates. For example, a wizard may change into an owl to fly to your house if he intends to harm you. After arriving, he would then change into a cockroach to more easily enter your home. After entering the home, he would then turn into a cobra or black mamba and bite you resulting in your death. He would then change forms back and return home. While their spirit is in another form, they still retain their human mind and powers. Thus if a wizard entered your home in the form of a snake, you would be unable to kill him physically because you would be “charmed” by his supernatural powers as a wizard. However, if they die while in this form, it is their spirit which has died and their physical body left sleeping at home will die as well. Wizards are also heavily involved in the propagation of false religion throughout the world. Joshua Balogun, in addition to being a wizard and a red witch, was also a Muslim Imam or holy man.