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— Craig Williams

The Marine kingdom (WHICH IS SPIRITUAL) is established beneath the Atlantic Ocean and the Headquarters of Marine kingdom of Satan is said to be located beneath India’s Sea. The “Queen of India’s sea” is the head of Marine kingdom, while the “Queen of the Coast” is next in command and resides within the Atlantic Ocean. It is said that both are also among the fallen angels and travel in the form of half humanoid and half fish.

Under the seas, the kindom of wickedness is governed by rulling princes, rulling princesses, governors, generalds etc who are human beings, but are also under the power and directions of demon spirits called “Aquarius spirits” or “Marine spirits”.
In many occult practices, the source of the witchcraft is water base, were these water spirits are contacted for supernatural powers.
This Marine kingdom is a highly organized and strategized; a place where extreme technology and sophisticated equipments are used by high ranking Satanists to design things that are seductively beautiful and irresistible.

They are all occultists; psychiatrists and scientists, technical engineers and designers who work tirelessly in Labs to design the latest weapons, perfumes, assorted types of cosmetics, flashy cars and different designs of electronics etc.. Many perfumes to lure men and women are designed there; many model of women’s underwear and sexy clothing to seduce and distract men are also made there. This kingdom is ruled by few main virtues, Fashion, Money, Lust and Worldly Pleasures and this is being run by the Queen of the Coast herself.

One may wonder how could physical humans be under the water doing these things. Remember, the spirit realm is real like the realm of the earth; it is just in another dimension and one need supernatural aid to enter there.
Many of the high technological researches and the invention of many playstation and other games are designed under the waters in order to take children away from the desire to becomes Christian or dedicated Christians and to carry them into a vagabond-like lifestyle. This is why most games are demonic, having demonic characters. Demons are specifically placed in the games to kill the children’s desire for school and have it replaced with the desire to live in play station studios all day.

The things that are designed in that spirit world are use on earth to supply people who have signed a contract with the Devil. There victims receive good sale and prosperity but in return must sacrifice one to two souls to the Devil every year. Failure to do the yearly sacrifice could result in serious consequences, including bankruptcy and foreclosure of business and home.

Some of these things are also given to a group called “Recruiters”, agents of the Occult for the sole purpose to distract people from Jesus Christ.

This is a war against Jesus Christ and His Lordship and Kingdom. Revelations 12:12, “Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and in the sea! For the Devil came down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has but a little time.”