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Message 63: How does one hear GOD's Voice?

– Words given by the Lord to Donna McDonald 2/2/14

People like to ask, How does one hear GOD's Voice? This is an excerpt from the message the LORD gave me to speak at a conference last year concerning hearing HIS Voice:

I have designed you to hear MY Voice. I have designed you for MY good pleasure and to serve ME and meet MY needs. This is adverse to what the world thinks of ME. The world thinks either I am a great grandpa ready to bounce them on MY knee and completely overlook your sins or they think I am nonexistent or impotent. Take your pick these are the top three. MY bride knows ME well. You know that I am neither of these three. No, I am a Great and Mighty GOD and worthy of all Honor and Praise and Glory. I am not only all seeing--omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent but I am a Ruler, a Judge and a Warrior that is ALWAYS RIGHT. No where in the Bible, MY Holy Word, does it say that I am impotent, grandfatherly or void. These are all lies of the enemy to trap and snare you for eternity. He seeks to destroy you with half-truths and lies.

I have designed you to hear MY Voice but you must be trained to listen. MY son, Dr. Mark Virkler, in the book Dialogue with GOD, has outlined how to hear MY Voice. There are a few succinct steps that are noteworthy. I will outline here what you need to know and what I breathed into MY son, Mark.

1. Pursue ME and no other. Put ME first in all you do. Weigh EACH and EVERY activity you do to see if it is pleasing to ME OR NOTor profitable to the kingdom. If you are going to go to a football game or an activity or show, you better be living and breathing for me with the lost people around you. 
2. Read your bible daily--this is MY Word and MY instruction book for you and to you. It is how I show I love you. Does not a Father show HIS love for a son by instructing him in the Right Way, the Way of GOD?
3. Pray daily and throughout the day. If you want to hear MY Voice, do you not think I want to hear your voice first? Talk to ME. I am your ever present Friend. I never go away. I am with you always on this earth. I will be with you in eternity if you follow the instructions at this conference of how to be right with ME. You may speak to ME anywhere and at any time of the day. I have a smart phone and it is on all the time. You are connected with ME by heavenly signals.
4. Be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. Pray to invite My Brother, the HOLY SPIRIT, to fill you up. It is very simple. This is HIS job, HIS function, to fill people up with HIS SPIRIT, HIS Dunamis or Power. It is only by the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT that you can do anything for ME and with ME and by ME. You must first have had to invite ME into your heart to fill you up with MY Love that was played out for you on the cross. I am speaking these Words in this order because MY bride has received ME and been filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT. These Words are for those additional ones who have not submitted to ME.
5. Submit yourself to ME. Put all your hopes, plans and dreams on a shelf and submit your will to ME. I will then lead your life with MY ordained steps and I will choose what is best for you according to MY will for your life.
6. When you have completely submitted your will to ME then the next step, MY step...
7. Quiet yourself in a secluded spot anywhere you choose. Picture yourself on a park bench or a quiet place and look at ME sitting with you as a friend would and ask ME if there is anything I would like to say to you.
8. With a notebook in your hand listen for MY Voice. You may hear one Word or one sound but what ever you hear just write it down. Take a few moments and listen. When you have heard no other sound or words then stop and look at what you have written. This daughter heard from ME, "you are the apple of MY eye", her husband heard, "Listen". Sometimes you will hear one Word and sometimes you will hear a string of Words or a full sentence.
9, Do not compare yourselves to others. This is sinful and called envy or jealousy. You have not walked in their shoes and you don't know the price they have paid to hear MY Voice. It may have cost them everything. They may be broke in this world but they may have stored up their riches in heaven from ME.
10. Don't stop talking to ME. If you have heard a few Words then keep pursuing ME. I am your Suitor but I want to be pursued as well.
11. Do not be put off by anyone you tell or share with who does not believe you because there will be trials and tribulations connected to this gift called the gift of Prophecy. 
12. Live all your days and moments watching and waiting for MY return. Be sure to tell others, as many as possible of MY soon return and MY plan of salvation for only true prophets care enough for others to tell others about ME every chance they get.

This is MY plan for your life and your pursuit of ME. O' along the way I may gift you from time to time with a gift that is unexpected--a gift of tongues, the gift of interpretation of tongues, a prophetic dream, an out of body
experience, a vision, but know this--they are all by ME and for ME and for the people. You are not in MY will unless you share these gifts with others. You must put forth your best foot, your right foot and stand out and step out for your GOD. Do the tough things in life and you will be richly rewarded in heaven. THIS IS YOUR GOD AND I HAVE PUT MY STAMP OF APPROVAL WITH MY SIGNET RIGN ON THIS MESSAGE.

Words given by the Lord to Donna McDonald 2/2/14