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-- Daniel Mo 3-11-2015

How can the Nephilim (giants) half human/ half fallen angel appear and to exist today, after the great flood with Noah, on regards of King Og, Goliath and His cousins, and Israelites saying they were like grass hoppers to them with moses. Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days and also after that................(after that referring to the flood). Before the land was one great plain, so the Nephilim were able to travel around the earth freely and after the flood, the land was divided like now, to help explain why Nephilim skulls were found around the world.

After the flood everything was wiped out except Noah and His family. During that time Jesus was not crucified on the cross yet, so satan still had the keys to hell, the Nephilim flesh died, but their spirits were still there, if their spirits went to hell, satan could simple tell them to go back to the earth again to repopulate the Nephilm seed, which explains why certain demons in hell had to be bounded in chains by God and not released to the earth yet, as satan was not going to bound the demons. But because of sin of mankind, the enemy had the right to enter a person's life. which help explain the report of alien abductions how they could be the Nephilim demonic spirits on how a lady was abducted and pregnanted, put back to the earth and later was abducted again and the fetus was taken way. With the report of a guy who report to be abducted in a UFO and sleep with a blonde looking type Nephilim, the only evidence he found was a blonde strand of hair, this hair strand molecular structure was tested along with normal human hair, dyed hair, and redish hair strand found on a Nephilim type skull where the skull head is more higher up. The blonde hair and the nephilim skull hair goes along side closely on its pattern in molecular structure on the graph, where as the human and dyed hair strand was a different pattern. . To help explain how the giants existed after the flood.

Addressing the importance of living Holy, and righteous before God, so that the enemy has no right to enter in person's life.

John 14:30 And I shall no longer speak many things with you, for the prince of the world is coming: and he does not have any part with Me''

The Nephilim send must have came from the descendant line of Ham the Father of Canaan after the flood, Genesis 9:25 ''And he said, ''Cursed be Canaan: a servant of servants will he be to his brothers.''

Most of the Nephilim nowadays are powerful people of statue, that prefer not to be exposed, since the taller ones were too exposed and were killed off by man.

Some of the alien/Nephilim manifestations will be genuine some will be hologram regarding project blue beam with the satellites in deceiving the nations. Once the invasion appears, they will tell the people they have the answer, claiming to the be messiah, performing signs and wonders. To help explain why many people are having dreams, visions of alien invasion coming upon the earth.

The good news is that we will be slaying them, casting them out in Jesus name, up close and personal if they manifest physically, like David and goliath. . One report from Bride of Christ was to pour water on the thermotropes demon (that are part of the alien invasion) since their DNA is not compatible with the water upon this earth, and it will accelerate their decomposing as they are here to carry out the beast plans. Also they are more suited to colder climates, which helps explain the polar vortex and cold weather extremes, that are controlled to help usher in these thermotropes.

Daniel 2:43 ''And Whereas you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they mix themselves with the seed of men, but they will not cleave to one another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.'' This verse could have a double meaning, clay as meaning man, since man is made from the dust of the earth. This verse could mean man's seed mixing with the seed of the fallen angels, but doesn't mean man will live in harmony with them together. Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man (Luke 17: 26) Genetic engineering, alien abductions to reproduce Nephilims, etc (Daniel 2:43) (Genesis 6)

As well as reports of alien implants received during the abduction, that is also size of grain of rice, similar to the RFID chip, this implant had the ability to change person's DNA, and when the implant was cut in half it had a processing speed of 320GHZ, faster than your fastest computer speed of 3.2GHZ, when cut in half the 2 pieces over time came together again assembling itself as one, the mass density of this implant was greater than any mass material upon this earth, when cut, it could only be used by a laser to cut it in half. In the days of Noah, man gave their offspring, children to these fallen angels in exchange for knowledge, therefore producing Nephilim (half breed of man and angel) to help explain how the idea of the RFID chip was produced to help explain the reason why this RFID chip is so similar to this alien implant found. In the days of Noah there were a lot of corruption including man's DNA with the Angelic, I assume plants, crops, were also genetically contaminated by the fallen angels, so the flood had to come, to clean up everything.

There are also special angels been released onto the earth searching those whose hearts are right with God with no agenda's to protect the Bride of Christ, greater evil upon the earth, so God sends greater protection. The wings of the angels are not like feathers, but are like razor blades, that cuts through the darkness, and covers us, like someone hugging you from behind. Hope this helps.

This is not a doctrine, just sharing you what i learnt, You can fast and prayer about it, if you need clear confirmation from the Holy Spirit on this information. If you have not yet given your life to Jesus yet, accept Him as your God, your Lord and Savior, He will protect you from what is to come upon this earth, Jesus is the way to the Father and Heaven, and not hell.

After the flood, the Nephilim repopulation purpose was to contaminate mankind seeds to 'ALL' be Nephilim, half man, half angel to stop Jesus from coming back in pure human form without blemish for the crucifixion to redeem mankind, but the enemy failed, so can only deceive mankind for now with the coming invasion, to manifest in the flesh, since angels/demons can not reproduce, to help explain the reasons of the UFO abduction''

Which explains why there was so many wars with Moses and Joshua in the old testament in removing the Nephilim seed line in certain tribes. God use mankind to bring judgement on them in a way.

Other relating scripture is : Book of Jude